The overall objective of this RTD project, in line with the core European
research priorities, is to capitalize on and advance the scientific and
technical achievements through the development of SMAS,
an effective and reliable safety assurance and quality optimization management
system of meat products, extending from production to the table of consumer.
This will be realized through the systematic completion of the following
- Modelling the effect of food structure, microbial interactions and
dynamic storage conditions on meat pathogens and spoilage bacteria
- Combination of validated pathogen growth models with data on prevalence/concentration,
dose response and chill chain conditions for risk assessment without
and with SMAS application.
- Development, modelling and optimization of TTI with
accuracy to monitor microbiological safety of meat products.
- Development of SMAS into a user-friendly computer
- Evaluation of the applicability and effectiveness of SMAS
in real conditions of meat distribution.
- Assessment of the industry acceptance of the TTI and
the concept of chill chain management.
- Evaluation of European consumer attitude on use of TTI and
correlation to quality.