Expected Achievements
The aim of this research project is to develop reliable and practical
Time Temperature Integrator (TTI) based systems and establish
their applicability as safety monitors of meat products from manufacture
to consumption. The project will capitalize and expand on the scientific
state of the art approach of mathematical (predictive) modelling of dominating
meat pathogens and translate this knowledge to TTI.
The TTI developed to meet the accurately set kinetic requirements, will
be systematically tested and modelled and their effectiveness and accuracy
will be demonstrated in practice. The scientific knowledge and information
obtained and the TTI based management system developed will help the European
meat Industry to monitor and improve safety and quality of their products
and European legislative authorities to legislate and assure safety for
the European consumer. It will also educate and assure the European consumer
that European state of the art scientific knowledge applied into industrial
practices can provide safety and quality all the way to his table.
The major expected achievements of the project are:
- Successful development of refined predictive models accurate for safety
and spoilage prediction of meat products in dynamic conditions.
- Design, and development of optimized TTI with accurate response kinetics,
suitable for safety monitoring.
- Availability in software of the intelligent management Safety Monitoring
and Assurance System (SMAS).
- Effective application of SMAS in the real meat chill chain.
- Wide availability of state of the art information, from the project
and other reliable sources for Risk Assessment of specific meat products,
through the establishment of an effective Internet site.