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Partner Information
2 SIK-The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Microbiology and Product Safety Department, SIK

P.O. Box 5401, SE 402 29 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 335 56 00
Fax: +46 31 83 37 82

Role and Contribution 


Research Personnel

  • Ass. Prof. Elisabeth Borch
    food microbiologist and expert on food safety and spoilage

  • Pernilla Arinder
    MSc in biotechnology engineering with expertise in microbial modelling

  • Halina Agerhem
    MSc in chemical engineering with expertise in consumer studies and sensorial analysis

  • to be named
    laboratory technician


    Selected References
    1. E. A. Bryhni, Agerhem, H., Claudi-Magnussen, C., Rodbotten, M., Lea, P. & Johansson, Martens, M. (2002) Consumers preferences and attitudes of pork in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Journal of Product Quality and Preferences (submitted).

    2. Nerbrink, E., Borch, E., Blom, H and Nesbakken, T. 1999. A model based on absorbance data on the growth rate of Listeria monocytogenes and including the effects of pH, NaCl, Na-lactate and Na-acetate. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 47, 99-109.

    3. Blixt, Y. and Borch, E. 1999. Using an electronic nose for determining the spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef. Int. J. Food Microbiol 46, 123-134.

    4. Lantz, P-G., Knutsson, R., Blixt, Y., Al-Soud, W.A., Borch, E. and Radstrom, P. 1998. Detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in enrichment media and pork by a multiplex PCR: A study of sample preparation and PCR-inhibitory Components. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 45, 93-105.

    5. Blom, H., Nerbrink, E., Dainty, R., Hagtvedt, T., Borch, E., Nissen, H. and Nesbakken, T. 1997. Addition of 2.5% lactate and 0.25% acetate controls growth of Listeria monocytogenes in vacuum-packed, sensory-acceptable servelat sausage and cooked ham stored at 4°C. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 38, 71-76.

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    EC FIFTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME - Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources - Project QLK1-2002-02545