Partner |
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NTUA (LFCT), National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Division of Process and Product Development, Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology |
5 Iroon Polytechniou, 15780, Athens, Greece Tel. +30 210 7723171 Fax. +30 210 7723163 E-mail: taoukis@chemeng.ntua.gr WebSite : http://www.chemeng.ntua.gr
Role and Contribution
Role of Subcontractor
Research Personnel
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is the oldest and largest Technical University in Greece. The Research Committee of NTUA administers over 500 research projects, representing a budget of 15 million EURO per year. The Dept. of Chemical Engineering (DCE) has 900 students and over 100 permanent scientific personnel. The Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology (LFCT) belongs to the Division of Process and Product Development of DCE and is staffed by 4 Professors (1 Emeritus and 3 Assistant), 9 Ph.D graduate students and 20 Diploma research thesis students. Research in LFCT is in the areas of kinetic modelling of food deterioration and the contributing parameters during and post processing, physicochemical analyses of food components, lipid and protein technology, food quality and safety assurance and sensory evaluation. LFCT participates in European/ national research and training projects and concerted actions with food industry in know how and product development.
Selected References